Thursday, 11 December 2014


                               HOW MUCH DO YOU ABOUT CHRISTMAS:


The world today is turned in to a market place where people struggle to get freedom from emotional trauma, financial hardship, heart break from broken relationship, poverty, bureaucratic complexities unemployment, traffic huddles, rural-urban drift and so on. The question is, why these sort of struggles?
Peoples’ attitude is
been configured to thinking that if It’s not the hard way then is not the way, if it’s not done in a struggled pattern then it’s not good enough. This writer was in a location where we were asked to queue to get our names registered for some form of documentation. People decided to struggle as if there is no tomorrow. And that led to some being wounded and stressed. Yet they enjoyed it; because they did the documentation at the end of the day- what a mentality. The same is witnessed in the processes of election, where individuals struggle to gain offices. And you know what? After the exhaustive work, there will be no energy to think properly, no money to fund worthwhile projects, heavy debts to pay and other critical challenges - what a misgiving.
Friend, you need to know this; that your sustenance is from above. All you’re doing is complementary to what has been done already for you. Yes; how? Matthew 6:33 made it clear that, “we have to seek first the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness, then all other things shall be added to us” including what you want. That may sound cheap, but why not give it a trial in sincerity. And it is also written in Psalms 23:1-6, the Lord is one who is shepherding me I lack nothing. Look very well at verse six. Truly, goodness and gracious love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will remain in the Lord’s Temple forever (ISV). Make time for to seek God and his kingdom so as to be in a working relationship with Him always. This is the sure way to come out of these worldly struggles that ends nowhere.
Freedom according to MS Encarta (2008), is defined as the “ability to act freely: a state in which somebody is able to act and live as he or she chooses, without being subject to any undue restraints or restrictions”. Or influence from environmental, economic, social and religious constraints other than the unavoidable. One access to a struggle free life is to have divine encounter with Christ Jesus. Jacob in the Scripture was one who struggled so well until he met with God. Jabez was also a tensed struggler until he met with God. We are today so given to struggling so much so that, it has become part of us as a lifestyle. Jesus is saying I am the way the truth and the life (JOHN 14:6). Come unto me all you who are labored (or struggled) and I will give you rest MATTHEW 11:28; said Christ Jesus. Therefore, Jesus is the access any one has to freedom, take a bold step today to fine and locate HIM for he is close to all.

Let me quickly point out that, in Christ they is also difficult times when a man is working with Christ. Yet it is far best than struggling in the world without hope of eternity in Jesus. Jesus is the route to accessing freedom in the real sense of the word. Make Him your all for a struggle free life on the earth and here after ROMANS 10:9-10 (ISV).

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