Thursday, 18 December 2014


I was in a meeting where we were seriously analyzing what makes people become homosexuals. By inspiration, one of us averred that, though by mere reasoning, no justification can be given by any one, indulged in such unnatural act. It was further made known to us by this same authority that, there is a being (Demon) that grows fat upon peoples’ engagement in homosexuality.
In another effort, a survey was carried out to establish the rate of those molested or found engaging in wrong sexual habits. Result revealed, youths are the most vulnerable class. It was agreed that, massive awareness be carried out to salvage the youths of our country. Hence, this write up is one of the efforts towards creating awareness – so keep reading and invite others to do so. Also, follow by email to always be updated.
Homosexuality is described as a persistent and predominant sexual attraction to person of one’s own gender – men being attracted to men and likewise women ( Wikipedia renders thus: homosexuality is a coinage of both Greek and Latin words; όµόṠ (homos), meaning same and sexus, meaning sex.  Is romantic/sexual attraction or behavior between members of the same sex or gender (
The above definitions point to us what this act entails. Let me quickly add, that it is an instinctive sexual behavior toward individual of the same sex, purpose of which is to satisfy self. Though, not everyone may agree to this. Yet, in the mouth of two or three witnesses the truth is confirmed.
Although homosexuality is no less a crime as murder, cheating, lying and so on. Yet, there are both physical/emotional pains attached or experienced by those engaged in it. I noticed a man (with due apologies) whose anus was battered by his fellow men, why? Because, he was, according to reports; a man-harlot. Certainly there are other similar cases that are without the coverage of this writing. However, there are mild to severe injuries obtained by those engaging in this act (kindly visit  for more of these pains or injuries.
Like appetite homosexuality may be sustained by certain factors such as; pornography, visiting of gay clubs, moving or making friends with gay men and lesbian women, being instigated by sex spirit entities and a lot of other factors. As it was defined above, the main aim of this action is to satisfy self – sensual momentary pleasure; for the giver and some sense of worth for the taker and some material substances. For instance the man in the above battering case was a man of luxury. Living a flamboyant lifestyle and all he needs was at his beck and call. So there is gain of some sort. Not all may be like this fellow. After all he has his own challenges.
The scripture (BIBLE) was always quick to tell us that homosexuality is SIN and if we accept the BIBLE to true (of which it is) then any individual(s) engaged in this act are committing crime. First, disobeying God and secondly, harming their fellow men. The BIBLE in LEVITICUS 18:22 states that: you (whether gay, lesbian or transgender person) shall not lie with a male as with a woman, it is an ABOMINATION. If you do this you are to be stoned to death. LEVITICUS 20:13 and COLOSSIAN 6:9-11 made it clear that everyone engaged in such act is not a candidate of God’s promise of HEAVEN which is very real (this is not bigotry).
So dear friends, you need to come out of this act that is subtly destroying innocent lives. Jesus Christ (God who manifested in the flesh PROVERBS 8:24&31), loves you and desires all to submit that soul He gives to all of us, To Him peacefully and in sincerity.
Decide to do away with this kind of lifestyle and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and ask Him to forgive all your sin in sincerity and in faith. He will hear and do just that (ROMANS 10:9-10).
God bless you always as you continue in him. Amen!

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